Health and fitness. I'm doing really terrible with my fitness and I do great with my eating until the weekend hits! I think it's time to go back to the basics and get my head back in the right spot.
Work on the blanket I am crocheting. I didn't work on this at all.
Bible Study with the kids. I managed this ONE night. I guess one is better than none. I need to somehow fit this in better.
Work on our Fairy Garden. I haven't had a chance to get out and work on it like I want.
Give myself a pedicure. 3rd times the charm, am I right?
Health and fitness. I like this little system I have going so I am going to keep at it. Let's get back to the basics here. One mile will be a lot considering I have managed ZERO for the last 3 weeks.
- Eat clean
- Drink 80 oz of water a day
- Run 1 mile
Make a crochet banner.
Stay up to date with cleaning. Maintain a clean house using Flylady for cleaning. I personally love it and have been very successful with using the Flylady methods in the past. I purchased her book last year, which I recommend for starting out because the website can be a bit overwhelming. I would like to get back on track and maintain a clean home so that we can spend more time outside playing with the kids, instead of inside cleaning.
Bible Study with the kids and Jason.
Update my blog binder.
Mow the grass. Yes, again! It's a once a week thing around here!
Family meeting with Jason. The pastor at our church had a great family meeting idea that couples can do together that I really liked and want to start doing with Jason.