Monday, May 19, 2014

Strawberry Picking at Vollmer Farm

Strawberry season is usually early May thru about mid June in central North Carolina. Drive anywhere outside of the city limits and you are sure to see signs every few miles that advertise strawberry picking at many of the local farms. I remember going strawberry picking with my grandmother as a child, but had yet to take my own children after all the years of living the country life. Last Saturday, the weather was perfect, so on a whim, we loaded up the three littlest kiddos and drove out to one of our local farms for our first strawberry picking experience as a family.


Not only does Vollmer Farm offer strawberry picking, there is also blueberry and blackberry picking mid-late summer as well. My grandparent's had a big blackberry bush that I remember picking from as a child, but I have never picked blueberries. I would love to go back for blueberries in another month or two.


Of course, we couldn't resist the homemade ice-cream, but overall, this was a relatively inexpensive day for us. Some of our best times are when we don't spend a ton of money, so we have made it one of our goals to go on many adventures this Summer, but to spend as little as possible. We already have a few other plans in mind!


So, what are we planning to do with all of these strawberries? 

I will be putting them in smoothies for a quick and delicious breakfast, adding them to water for refreshing infused water creations, making a delicious sugar free syrup for my paleo pancakes, and even creating some tasty frozen greek yogurt popsicles with the kids.

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