Monday, May 5, 2014

The Polyvore Files | Wedding Photographer Style

This weekend was gorgeous and I kept myself busy on Saturday with a wedding to photograph.  I have actually done a few wedding and bridal shoots before, but honestly didn't know what the proper attire for a photographer is. I had always dressed up in the past, but if I am being honest, it was an outdoor wedding and I knew it was going to be sunny and warm and, if I could have gotten away with it, I would have worn jeans and a nice blouse. However, after doing a bit of research, I discovered that the appropriate attire for a photographer is to dress as if I were a guest at the wedding.  Therefor, I picked an outfit almost identical to this one.


Some weddings can be a bit fancier than others, but I think that this outfit would be appropriate for a variety of weddings. The wedding I photographed was a little more low key, a nontraditional outdoor wedding, but beautiful nonetheless. I am actually glad I chose to research what to wear, because I think I may have felt a little out of place if I didn't. 

I couldn't really share the photos until now, but be on the lookout for when I share some of the bridal and wedding photos from this couple, later on this week. 

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