Sunday, May 4, 2014

52 Weeks of Jason Wk. 16 & Wk. 17


I knew eventually I would fall behind with this, but I am trying my hardest to stay caught up. Honestly, I don't like posting on the weekends, and earlier this year, I got myself into a bind, by filling my weekends with posts, so I think I am going to change the day, as to give myself a break.

Another thing is, Jason really isn't here a whole lot lately. He was gone for a month, gone this past weekend, and will be gone again here in a couple of weeks again. I originally wanted to share quality photos of my handsome guy, but these days, it's all I can do just to get an iPhone photo of him. Therefor, I'm just have to take what I can get.

The first photo was taken a few weeks ago at a military families appreciation day. It really was a wonderful event, with activities for the kids, food, and even giveaways and free stuff. There's not much else better than free, am I right?


We also got the opportunity to go to Phoenix's, our middle daughter, school play one night as well. Kinda like a mini date for us to be able to sit alone in the crowd without wrangling kids or having to get up to take someone to the potty. 

Jason and I are different in a whole lot of ways, but a few things that we have in common are...

  • we both LOVE sushi.
  • we are both born the same month and year.
  • we love and drink tons of coffee.

Believe it or not, that's all I got right now! We are THAT different! Ha!

Are you and your better half a lot alike or very different?

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