Friday, March 12, 2010

Fat Butt Friday - All This Water and Not a Beach in Sight

"One of my New Year's wishes was to shed some of the weight I had gained during my pregnancy with Little Monster, and so in my attempt to do so, I felt it was harder to hide late night snacking and lack of motivation if I put myself on the line and in the spotlight. Every Friday, I will be sharing my weight loss journey (including my successes and failures), as well as delicious recipes, meal ideas, and exercise suggestions. Join me if you accept the challenge to lose weight and gain a healthier life! (Don't forget to grab my button in the sidebar)"

I think it is finally time to start adding in some moderate exercise now that I am a "professional water drinker". It has been going really well for me. In fact, I have noticed that if I take a sip of water in between each bite of food, I eat far less. Not to mention, I am a lot more conscious of what I am putting into my mouth with each bite and have a moment to let the food go down. I really have to work on eating my food at a slower pace rather than devouring it like a ravenous dog (I think it has a lot to do with always being in a hurry).

Have trouble drinking water? Here are some healthy add ins to make drinking water less of a chore.
  • sliced lemon
  • sliced lime
  • sliced orange
I know what you are thinking..."These are great, but a lot harder to obtain while on the go." Well...True Lemon has great little lemon, lime, and orange flavors that come in a pack like a sugar pack and work great for adding flavor to almost anything, including water. Go HERE to get a FREE sample. You will also receive a list of ideas for using them in a variety of healthy recipes.

Next week, I will be adding two workout days to my morning routine. ONLY two for now because I am lazy and if I go full throttle I will burn out and suddenly give excuses why I can't get up to exercise each day. I find that if I exercise first thing in the morning then it is out of the way, I feel good about myself, and in turn, I often have a much better day.

The weather has been rather nice this past week and we were able to get outside several days to enjoy the warmer weather. I pushed Monster in his stroller and even rode Red's bike. I really should consider getting one of my own.

And since the weather was nice, we got to enjoy some of these

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Banana Popsicles. Delicious, nutritious, and the perfect size for a quick snack.

Next Friday, I will post some meal ideas for breakfast lunch and dinner. These meal options are not only healthy but tasty, and won't bore your taste buds to death.

How did you do this week? What have you been struggling with? What are your successes?
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