Sunday, March 14, 2010

As the Weekend Ends... First Signs of Spring Weekend Edition

I am so thankful for the {lovely weather} this weekend. It was greatly needed because I am suffering from a major case of cabin fever. We got out a few times during the week, but it just wasn't enough to "bring my fever down".

What a busy weekend it was...

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a grainy mobile upload. oops!

First we went to the St. Patty's Day parade in downtown Raleigh. The kids went WiLd for the candy and green necklaces everyone was giving out.


There's something about parade horses pooping and watching to see if anyone steps in the remains (that are left after the man with the huge shovel comes by to scoop it up) that children find so entertaining.
Ask me how I know this!

Then there were these...

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I made two of these hats and Princess has yet to take her hat off because she loves it so much. I am new to the whole knitting craft and I actually "cheater knitted" these with one of those knitting rings, but it was still fun. I know it's a little late in the season to be knitting but I need a little practice to perfect my work.

And of course there were also these...


EGGS! Lots of eggs. Got these from my mother. Fresh eggs right from the chicken'! Honestly, I can't taste a difference between a fresh egg and one in the store.

Here's what we did with some of them...


Cheddar Scrambles, so yum!

Then to finish off the weekend...some of this...

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The kids have been staring out the window at that trampoline for weeks now, waiting to jump. I seriously thought they would get bored with that thing after one season, but they haven't. Another year of jumpertainment.

How was your weekend?
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