Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Mini Style | March Madness


March means it's NCAA time and we are Duke fans in this house! We don't watch every single game, but we do watch when we can to keep up, and definitely throw on our Duke blues to show the love. Elijah hardly cares though, because if it isn't a super hero, he's not interested! But, is he not the cutest little man ever?


We've been stuck in the house for a couple of days because of more snow and ice, but that doesn't stop us from going, as long as the roads aren't too bad. The cabin fever is at an all-time high, so we have plans for the next few days that will definitely be keeping us busy.  We all feel better when we can get out of our pajamas, put on some real clothes, and get out of the house. 


Hat - Somewhere at the mall a couple of years ago, $?
Blue Stripes Shirt - Target, gifted
White T-shirt - Target, pack of 5, $?
Jeans - Old Navy, $10

Our Holly Days

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