Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Polyvore Files | My Ultimate Super Bowl Sunday

This year it's all about the commercials for us here at the Moore house! Around here we are Carolina Panthers fans (and Falcons fans when they aren't playing the Panthers), so we aren't really pulling for either of the teams. I am actually more excited for the Olympics at this point. However, we are still going to enjoy the game and the commercials none the less and hope neither disappoint this year. I wasn't very impressed with the commercials last year!

Before the Panthers became a team, my family were actually big Patriots fans. My mom was never much of a sports fanatic until she met my step dad, who was from Boston. Before he passed, every Sunday, during football season, our house was filled with good food and the laughter and shouting of family and friends. Then NC finally got their own team and on the weekends we weren't watching in front of the TV, we were watching live on the sidelines.

 The Polyvore Files - My Ultimate Super Bowl Sunday

My ultimate Super Bowl Sunday would be the Panthers playing either the Falcons or the Patriots, and winning! We aren't big on heading out to the bars for football, so we would definitely hang out at home with our favorite chicken wings, nachos, and a case of beer! And when we aren't watching the game, chatting it up, or stuffing our faces, what would be more fun than playing the fun game, Cards Against Humanity.

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