Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Polyvore Files | Edgy Valentine

Some people look at Valentine's Day as a pointless day, and that people should love each other, the way they love on Valentine's Day, all year long. Of course, my love for Jason doesn't become greater just because it is a specific day of the year, however, having that day does kind of force us to take the time for each other that we, personally, don't always have for each other. It doesn't mean we don't love each other, it just means we can take the time to spend on "us" without feelings of guilt.

Jason is such a busy guy working outside of the home to provide financially for our family, and I am an equally busy woman, taking care our home. I do have my own income coming in to help as well, and he does help me at home also, and certainly helps with the kids.  But to describe our roles in this family, it is Jason's job to provide financially, and it is my job to take care of the children and things at home. And because we are the parents of six children, we often don't take the time to focus on us. Therefor, when Valentine's Day comes around, we try hard to make that day special because it is our day for each other.

This year, we nearly missed our day together because Jason had been called to duty to help with emergency services for the state during the snow and ice storms passing through NC. We daydreamed of a fabulous dinner and night at the Broadway show, The Book of Mormon. It was also important to us because Jason will be leaving for Missouri in two weeks. His schedule, the weather, and the fact that we waited until the last minute anyways, threatened our chance at some alone time. 


Things have a funny way of working out though, and although we didn't get our big night out, Jason did make it home and we did get our time and were able to go out for sushi and drinks. I would have loved to wear an outfit like the creation I made this week in Polyvore.We have already started discussing one of those special nights out when he gets back from Missouri.

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