Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Polyvore Files | Sick Day

We have been crazy sick over here this week! Poor Jason, who is currently on active duty, had it worst of all and he still had to work out in the freezing cold. I am so grateful for all he does. He pushes through all the coughing, sneezing, sore throats, and congestion to provide for us, and so I can be home. Which means, when I am sick, I am able to relax. That doesn't always mean that I recover any faster though, because I have been known to keep a cold all winter long. Last year, I was absolutely miserable for months.

 Someone buy this blanket for me! I am in love!

When I get sick, all I want to do is stay in my pajamas all day. There's nothing more comfortable than putting on one of Jason's T-shirts or sweatshirts and curling up on the couch with my favorite blanket. Pretty much the only time I sit to watch TV is when I am sick. I just hardly ever sit down otherwise. We rented We are the Miller's and I must say, it was pretty freaking hilarious. Have you seen it?

I was actually able to muster up the energy to make homemade chicken noodle soup. Nothing like warm soup when you have the chills. Between the soup and replenishing my fluids with tons of water, I am sure I have lost a few of those holiday pounds already.

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