Although I don't always love what Mackenzie wears, there's not a place we go that she isn't stopped by someone who compliments her on her hair or her style. So, I know it's nothing more than the mom side of me who has outgrown some of those young people stores (but, hey, I did let her pierce her nose last year, so that should win me some kind of cool mom award, right?).
Mackenzie has definitely grown into a beautiful young lady, and although she's hardly "mini" anymore, I like to think that allowing her to make her own choices in so many areas, including her sense of style, has made her the confident, creative, trend setter (as opposed to a follower), that she is today. Girl knows just what she wants!
Hat - American Eagle, $15
Floral Shirt - PacSun, $20
Tank Top (under top shirt) - Walmart, $3
Jeans - Thrifted, $7
Shoes (unpictured) - Toms, $50
FUN. Necklace - Handmade by Mackenzie
The Walking Dead Necklace - Walmart, $2
Hair - Bleached tips by me, $13 (for bleach and developer)
On a side note: Look at that snow! We almost always have the most pathetic snow falls, which result in the shutting down of EV-ER-Y-THING... including school! So, today is a snow day for us! Did I mention that the kids were already out last Friday, Monday (MLK holiday), and Tuesday too? Yep, after already being out for 2 weeks, less than a month ago, for Christmas! That's how we roll here in NC!