Monday, April 14, 2014

Weekly Wishes #18


Another busy week for us! I am actually starting to embrace and enjoy the busy that has been in our life. Along with the Spring that is among us, it feels like a sense of renewal for us. Simply the best!  

Over the weekend, we even managed to put in a new sink in our kitchen. The house we live in now is not our forever home, but Jason and I have agreed that we should be fixing up a few things as we continue to go through changes and make our way to a moving day. The new sink and fixtures make such a difference and I actually dislike my kitchen a little less now. I have really grown to love preparing clean and healthy meals and I hope that the next person to use our kitchen will enjoy cooking as much as I do and appreciate the benefits of that high arch faucet fixture we chose. 

How was your weekend?

I didn't actually cross off much on my list, but after adding the number of other things I filled my time with, I feel very accomplished. So, that makes it all okay, right?

last weeks wishes

Declutter.  I think I am pretty much done with this one! I may have a few odds and ends to get rid of, but I am putting this one to rest this week.

Health and fitness.  I actually ate really well all week. Then, I ate out a couple of times since we were on the go, and I have felt guilty ever since. I did make an effort to order as healthy as possible though... except for the Starbucks... twice. I just couldn't help myself! I definitely drank lots of water. I always say 80 oz. but the truth is, I don't keep up with it. I am pretty sure I am making the goal though.

I also didn't run 8 miles, but I did run 5. I managed ZERO of the Blogilates videos, 25 push ups, all 200 sit ups (oh, my poor abs!), and 50 squats. As far as pull ups, I still can't do any! Ha! I half crossed this one off.

  • Eat clean
  • Drink 80 oz of water a day
  • Run 8 miles 
  • At least 2 Blogilates videos
  • 100 push-ups for the week
  • 200 sit ups for the week
  • 300 squats for the week
  • Work on pull ups. 
  • Step out and move about

Attend the runner's expo. We did go, but we weren't there very long because a certain 4 year old little boy just wasn't having it!

Finish reading The Body Book.  Not only did I finish the book, I actually read a second book, Desperate. I highly recommend this book if you are a mommy and a woman of faith. Such a great and inspirational read. Each chapter had a corresponding video to to with it that made me love the book even more. 

Go through kids' Summer clothes. Here's how it went down... Phoenix needs new clothes. All of her old clothes I can pass to Tyler. Tyler now has Phoenix's clothes, some which are still new, and her old clothes as well, since most of those still fit her too. Elijah has plenty of shirts and needs a few pairs of shorts.

Encourage someone.  I am so upset with myself for not getting to this one. My week was so busy, I totally forgot. I will definitely be adding this to the list again soon.

this weeks wishes

This week is going to be another busy one for us! Since I have been enjoying the busy, I am looking forward to everything in store!

Prepare Spring Break activities.  If you are reading that with a puzzled look because you could swear my kids already had spring break, then you would be correct. They did have Spring Break but, for some crazy reason, our county has decided that the 11 days our kids missed for snow wasn't enough, so they decided on 2 Spring Breaks this year. It's all a bit confusing to me. I just go with it.

I would like to do some Easter activities with the kids, plus maybe even take the kids to the park and to see Rio 2.

Health and fitness.  I like this little system I have going so I am going to keep at it.
  • Eat clean
  • Drink 80 oz of water a day
  • Run 6 miles 
  • 100 push-ups for the week
  • 200 sit ups for the week
  • 300 squats for the week
  • Work on pull ups. 
  • Step out and move about

Read a book. I am devouring books right now! I just want more and more. I would like to take a step back from all the nonfiction I have been reading and read A Fault in Our Stars before it hits theaters. I've had it on my Kindle app for awhile. It's time I read it.

Visit my Grandmother. My Grandmother's health is greatly deteriorating and it is important to me that I visit her some. This is the first time she has ever been sick other than a normal cold or flu, so my Mom is taking it hard when they discovered she has cancer and may only live a few more weeks. Please pray that if it is her time, that the Lord cradles her in His arms and makes the rest of her time here painless and peaceful.

Celebrate Easter with my Dad and Step-Mom.

Take Mackenzie to get her eyes checked.  My girl failed the eye exam during her driver's education class, so I scheduled her an appointment to get those peepers tested and maybe even fitted for some glasses. She has to have them tested and fitted for glasses, if she needs them, prior to taking the driving portion of driver's ed.

Start a cleaning schedule.  You either love or hate Flylady for cleaning. I personally love it and have been very successful with using the Flylady methods in the past. I purchased her book last year, which I recommend for starting out because the website can be a bit overwhelming. I would like to get back on track and maintain a clean home so that we can spend more time outside playing with the kids, instead of inside cleaning.

Bible Study with the kids.  We missed church for a couple of weeks, last week because Jason had a MANDATORY family fun day that we attended. Family wasn't mandatory but his presence was and since it was for family, we made the decision to miss church so we could go and support him.

Finish Easter baskets.  I was hoping to share my idea for Easter baskets but I am so behind that I am just now putting everything together this week. I already know what my plan is and what else I need, but now I need to go and get it all.

Mini Date with Jason.  Something simple since we will be out and about on Wednesday evening together at Lowe's picking up some stuff we need.

The Nectar Collective

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