What a busy week I had! I can hardly believe I made it out with a smile on my face. I have to admit though, I am exhausted. It looks like I am quickly filling up my schedule again, and already have plans to cover next weekend as well. But, I'm scheduling at least one day for resting and reading my book, because as much as I love getting out, there's no place like being at home for me.
- Phoenix's last week of theater practice - Practice every single day after school, and then the play is Friday night.
- Mackenzie starts Driver's Education - Every single day after school for the next few weeks.
- Teacher conference with Phoenix's teacher.
- Meet up with Erica from Loyal RUN.
- Finish editing some bridal portraits I took and then meet up to deliver them.
- Pick up Elijah's birth certificate.
- Elijah's Kindergarten physical doctor's appointment.
- Pick up race packet for Color Me Rad (which has to be done in advance, so I can't do it the day of the run).
- Color Me Rad 5k run.
- Military family appreciation event
- Tyler's growth and development doctor's appointment
- Elijah's Kindergarten registration
That was my "To Do" list, and I totally kept calm throughout the whole week. In fact, I quite enjoyed my week because it was mixed with some pretty fun stuff. Phoenix's play was absolutely adorable. I am so grateful that her elementary school has a drama department. Meeting up with Erica was like meeting up with a friend I just hadn't seen in awhile. We had a blast hanging out and can't wait to do it again! And, the Color Me Rad 5k was amazing! Jason and I seriously can't wait to do another one, and we are already looking into it.
Declutter. The hardest part of decluttering... forcing yourself to get rid of things that you just know you shouldn't keep anymore. Those things that just sit there without purpose, that you never use, but somehow your brain convinces you to believe that there will come that perfect time to need it. Well, my goal is to get rid of at least 5 of those things.
Health and fitness. I am really stepping it up a notch this week. I don't have a specific goal in mind, I just like to push myself to do more and better. My goal is not to really lose any more weight as much as it is to just get stronger.
- Eat clean
- Drink 80 oz of water a day
- Run 8 miles
- At least 2 Blogilates videos
- 100 push-ups for the week
- 200 sit ups for the week
- 300 squats for the week
- Work on pull ups.
- Step out and move about
That last one, pull ups, is a doozy for me. I am pretty sure I have a negative number when it comes to upper body strength. I have a goal of at least 1 pull up by the end of summer. One may seem easy but for me, that is a serious challenge.
Attend the runner's expo. The Rock-n-Roll marathon is in NC this year, and although, I won't be running the marathon (not ready for that!), we are planning to attend the runner's expo going on the day before the marathon. It's supposed to be a really great event with many of the top fitness brands being featured. Plus, lots of info, freebies, and contests.
Finish reading The Body Book. Yes, I am actually reading a book! For those of you who have been following me for awhile, know the struggle it has been for me to pick up a book lately. I finally did, and I am reading Cameron Diaz's book, The Body Book. It is surprisingly a really great book and it has really made me aware of my body, as well as how your body reacts when you don't eat healthy, exercise, or listen to your body.
Go through kids' Summer clothes. It may be a little early to fully pull out the Summer clothes, but I need to go through them to see what all fits and doesn't fit the kids. Normally, I sell the clothes that don't fit, but one of my goals this year was to encourage others and pay it forward more, so I will be giving them to a friend of mine.
March Monthly Wishes that I accomplished: I ran 34 miles, I started a book but didn't finish it yet, and definitely started planning our container garden.
Encourage someone. We actually gave above and beyond what we normally would to 2 separate charities last week and it felt great! This week, I would like to do for an individual person, like pay for their coffee or something equally as exciting!
Plant my container garden. It's that time! I would like to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, a variety of hot peppers, and zucchini.
Clear off our porch. I had really hoped to get this done in March but it was still very cold most days. The weather is showing signs of change lately so I am pretty sure the only thing stopping me this month are my excuses.
Step Out & Move About. 5 hours outside being active with the April Fitness Challenge.
Paint our walls. White or antique/eggshell/off white (I have no clue what the differences are) will be the tough decision. Dare I say we are planning for a move? It's still a bit off for us, but we are slowly starting to get things ready. A lime green kitchen may not go over well for the next person.
March Monthly Wishes that I accomplished: I ran 34 miles, I started a book but didn't finish it yet, and definitely started planning our container garden.