Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Gratitude Challenge-Day 1

I have been invited to participate in the Graditude Challenge, a 21-day project created by Tiny Prints to help others take note of the bright side of life. The challenge is an encouragement and commitment to share with yourself and others gratitude for everyday experiences and will help revitalize your life in a positive way. They invite myself, and others to join in, and to spend a few minutes each day appreciating all of life's little blessings through a list of daily tasks.

I have chosen to accept this challenge in light of how I have been feeling lately. I must say that I know I live a life full of many things thankful of, however, since Elijah has been born, I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and just have no motivation to do anything. I do intend to speak to my doctor about this, but I felt like I just needed to take a step back and be more appreciative of everything I have been given in life. I have signed the pledge and am going to be fully committed to completing the challenge. I hope to regain not only a sense of myself in remembering the joys of life like I used to, but to teach myself to slow down just a little so that those wonderful moments don't pass me by.

1 comment:

  1. Good one on gratitude and it helps a lot.

    Karim - Mind Power


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