Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Polyvore Files | Office Space

Just recently I purchased a new computer and desk and have been looking forward to sprucing up my little office space. For a family of 8, we live in a pretty small house, so my office space is in the space between our living room and dining room. Although I don't love it there, I do know for sure that I  enjoy having my office in an area where I can still be with the family when I am working. At Christmas, I moved my desk into my bedroom and I never went in there to work.

Not only did I purchase my first Mac, I made my first Pottery Barn purchase by choosing a desk almost identical to the one here. I will actually be sharing my updated space in an upcoming post, as soon as the desk actually gets here, and I am able to set things up as I have been daydreaming about.

This is also a great representation of what my space will look like except for the rug. To be honest, I don't enjoy being trendy, so I will be staying far away from anything chevron or herringbone. I want pieces that will last forever and I won't become sick of. I would love a simple black and white striped rug instead. 

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