Monday, February 10, 2014

Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor Giveaway

My first goal when starting my weight loss journey was to get my eating on track, and to find a workout activity that I loved. I had been running for a couple of years off and on and knew that I would like to get more into it and really build my stamina for longer runs. I started running on a regular basis, but it wasn't until I purchased a heart rate monitor and was able to see those calories burned after each workout that something clicked in me. I know that sounds weird, but it was because I could physically see the results of doing something I actually enjoy, that my love truly grew for running.

I truly believe you will see better results when you track your progress, whether it be counting your food calories or your calories burned. Only after putting things into perspective and allowing myself to see that some days I might not have pushed hard enough through my workout, or I may have eaten more than I should, did I start see results.

A heart rate monitor is an essential health and fitness device, in my book!


Thanks to this lovely group of ladies, we are able to give away a Polar FT4 Heart Rate Monitor to one lucky person! You even get to choose the color!

How is that for motivation?

This giveaway item was purchased personally by the ladies listed above. All testimonials at Six Cherries on Top are honest but do not reflect those of the other ladies. Six Cherries on Top Disclaimer/Terms of Use.

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