Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Polyvore Files | My Beauty Routine

For the next few weeks, I thought it would be fun to share some of the products I use when getting clean and getting ready each day. Some of the products I just recently discovered, and some I have been using for years. Definitely all of them I love, which is why I decided to share them with you and hopefully you will find some new products you will love also. That certainly doesn't mean that these are the best products out on the market, only products that I have tried myself and work for me. Be sure to share in the comments some of the products that work best for you as well.

The Polyvore Files - Beauty Routine

I wash my face twice every day... once in the morning and once in the evening. One of the very most important things that I have gotten into the habit of is to never go to bed without washing any makeup I wore that day, and always washing my face. Even if I don't wear make up that day, it is still very important to have a fresh and clean face before climbing into bed. I also wash my face in the morning. It helps wake me up and feel refreshed, plus it gets rid of all the "crust". As women, we all know what that is!

Beauty Products I Use

1. Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser - Super gentle on my skin with no over drying. 
2. Exfoliating Glove - I use this to gently massage away the dead skin. I usually only use this once a day. 
3. Carmex Hydrating Lotion - Amazing for dry skin. I use it on my hands, feet, arms, and legs at night before bed, especially in the winter when I get that winter dry itch. 
4. Carmex lip balm - Got to protect those lips too! I get super wind burn chapped lips in the winter if I don't keep them protected. 
5. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly - EXCELLENT for removing eye makeup. You would be surprised how much more eye makeup you will remove with this as opposed to using those other eye makeup removers. 
6. Q-tips - Used to apply the Vaseline around eyes and remove make up. 
7. Yes-To Cucumber Towelettes - Great for on the go when you need to freshen up, especially after working out.
8. Head wraps and Twistbands - To pull all of this long unmanageable hair out of the way!
9. Hand Towel - For when I am not using my exfoliating glove. I ALWAYS use a fresh towel! Don't want to be putting any dirt back on my face.  
10. Oil of Olay Lotion - Moisturizer for after I wash my face. I have been using this since the day I became old enough to need a daily routine. 

I almost never break out. It is very rare that I do and usually it is because I have been eating a lot of processed foods and sugar. Of course, break outs are partly hereditary as well, but a great beauty routine is always important too. 

What are some of your favorite beauty products?

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