Monday, December 30, 2013

Weekly Wishes Wk. 3


L A S T  W E E K ' S  W I S H E S

Enjoy the holiday. Done! I definitely indulged in all the yummies and don't regret it one bit. I know that this year has taught me how to control my eating and getting back on track is all I need to do now. 

Watch Little Women. I can't believe I didn't watch this! I have literally had not one moment to myself to enjoy it and I refuse to watch it full of interruptions. It will get done though. Probably at the end of the week when the kids go back to school. 

Write down my 2014 New Year's resolutions. Done! I want to head into the new year with confidence and a game plan so I got it done quick!

Write down 3 goals each for blogging, photography, and health & fitness for January.  Done! I am ready to get January started!

T H I S  W E E K ' S  W I S H E S

Get back on track with eating clean and healthy. This won't be hard for me because the last week or so I have actually felt like total crap and more headaches from eating unhealthy. When your body detoxes from all the bad stuff and you start eating it again, you soon realize how much different you feel. 

Watch Little Women. Let's try this again! My favorite holiday movie and I am looking forward to getting cozy on my couch after the kids have gone to bed and enjoying it with a hot cup of coffee (no cookies this time though). 

Take down the Christmas tree and all of our holiday decor.  This won't be hard either because I was not really feeling Christmas this year anyways and am already ready for it to come down. Bring on Spring! Yep, I'm already wishing for warmer weather. 

Start my stationary collection. One of my goals for 2014 is to write at least one letter or note a week to friends and family. Maybe just to say hello, or even for words of encouragement. So of course, I need some cute supplies like envelopes, paper, washi, stamps, and more.  
Start a blog binder. Holly added this to her list this week and I thought the idea was perfect for where I am hoping to head in the new year. I definitely need to keep track of my paid and sponsored posts for tax purposes.


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