Monday, December 23, 2013

Weekly Wishes #2


L A S T  W E E K ' S  W I S H E S

Focus on myself for just a minute.  I am sad to say that I didn't work out once and I didn't paint my nails either.

Clean the hiz-ouse. Done! The main goal in my head was to have the kitchen, the master bedroom, and living room clean and I did it. The laundry is caught up too! If I am being honest, this makes me happier than the time I missed focusing on myself.

Bake lots of holiday goodies to share. Done! I actually took a trip over to my BFF Amanda's house and we baked 4 batches of different cookies.

T H I S  W E E K ' S  W I S H E S

Enjoy the holiday. Tuesday and Wednesday, I will not beat myself up for what I eat and I will not stress about the lack of exercise in my life lately! I worked hard this year to lose the weight I have lost and I know that 2 days of indulgence isn't going to set me back too far.

Watch Little Women. My favorite holiday movie and I am looking forward to getting cozy on my couch after the kids have gone to bed and enjoying it with a hot cup of coffee (and maybe a few cookies).

Write down my 2014 New Year's resolutions.  Writing down some goals that I want to focus on as an overall for the year always helps me. They are almost like a mission statement for my year. 

Write down 3 goals each for blogging, photography, and health & fitness for January. Three things I want to focus on the most next year are my blogging, photography, and healthy & fitness, so writing down 3 small obtainable goals for each month will help me feel more accomplished.


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