This time of year when peppermint everything is available, I just all over anything to enjoy the flavor. Red velvet cake topped with crushed candy canes is my favorite, but when I can't have that, I love a peppermint coffee beverage.
Here is a quick and simple coffee drink that I have been enjoying lately.
Peppermint Coffee Drink
You will need:
- Peppermint flavored coffee
- Peppermint mocha liquid creamer
- Peppermint liquid stevia
- Milk
- Candy Cane
- Jar with a lid
Before brewing your peppermint coffee, fill a large mug 1/4 full (more or less) of the peppermint mocha liquid creamer and about 20 drops of liquid stevia. Believe me, it might sound crazy, but it actually tastes better if you add your creamer and sweetener first, then brew your coffee over it. So, once you have done that, add your coffee.
Once you have brewed your coffee, add milk foam on top and add the candy cane to top it off.
How to Make Milk Foam without a Frother
Fill your jar with approximately 1/2 to 1 cup full of milk. Shake the jar vigorously for about 30-45 seconds, and until the milk has become bubbly. Remove the lid and place in the microwave for 30 seconds. Once you remove the jar, you will see the froth on top and the milk is on the bottom. Scoop the foam off of the top and spoon it onto the top of your coffee.
Because I don't actually use the milk that I use to make the milk foam in my coffee (which you totally can! just make sure you pour the milk first by using a spoon to hold back the foam, then scoop the foam on top of the coffee), I have been making Elijah a hot chocolate and we drink our yummy beverages together. Don't want that milk to go to waste, right?
If you drink coffee, what is your favorite coffee drink this time of year?