Yes, this is quite the strange photo, I know! However, these little babies looked so cute, I just had to photograph them.
These are of course, sliders for my six cherries that my Marine grilled this past weekend. Our children just don't know what they are missing without the lettuce and tomato, but rather than hear the moans and groans, we prepared them with what they like best...
Say CHEESE, little burger buddies!
This first photo looks as if we may have been grilling out on a rainy day...
but, there was not a gray cloud in the sky, and the temperature was well into the 90's.
Don't you just want to devour these little burgers? Well, I know I would...if they had some lettuce and tomato!
I used Photoshop cs2 to brighten it up. The camera I use is the Nikon D3000.
Go check out all of the other Before & After shots over at Pixel Perfect. Don't forget to vote for your favorite!